Archive calls in the call log

Jenny Mellåker
  • Updated

Who can archive calls?

  • A user can archive their own calls
  • A member of an answer group can archive calls from the group

When you archive a call it will not appear in the search result per default. The call is not deleted and can still be retrieved and be viewed in the statistics if " include archived calls" is set as a filter. 

Archive calls in the log

To be able to archive a call you need to do a search, after that follow the instructions below.  

    1. Click VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svgon the call you want to archive
    2. Click ARCHIVE (1).svg
    3. Click yes
    1. Tap VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svg on the call you want to archive
    2. Tap ARCHIVE (1).svg
    3. Tap yes

Archive multiple calls (bulk action)

    1. Click CHECK UNSELECTED.svg on the calls you want to archive
    2. When selected they will look like this CHECK SELECTED.svg
    3. Under the Search result click VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svg
    4. Click ARCHIVE (1).svg
    5. Click yes
    1. Tap CHECK UNSELECTED.svgon the calls you want to archive
    2. When selected they will look like this CHECK SELECTED.svg
    3. Under the Search result tap VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svg
    4. Tap ARCHIVE (1).svg
    5. Tap yes



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