Shared contacts

Jenny Mellåker
  • Updated

Who can access Contacts? 

Open contacts

  • Click SETTINGS GEAR.svg choose your organisation, and expand the list Contacts

Create a Contact Group

    1. ClickSETTINGS GEAR.svg and choose your organisation
    2. Expand the list ADD AVATAR +.svgContacts and choose Shared Contacts
    3. Click on ADD SQUARE.svg Create Contact Group
    4. Give the new group a name
    5. Choose if the list shall be shown in the user's contact list (toggle off / on ON.svg)
    6. Add the contacts (see detailed guide below)
    7. Choose who you want to share the group with (see detailed guide below)
    8. Click create

    There are multiple ways to add contacts to the group and share it to users. See separate guides for step 6 & 7 below.  

Add contacts to group

Possible to add contacts in multiple ways. Click ADD SQUARE.svg to view and choose an alternative.

    1. Type first and last name, company, and titel (optional)
    2. Add email (optional)
    3. Add phone number (required)
    4. Click Save
    1. Choose one/several contacts from your personal contacts that you wish to share
    2. Click import
  • Download the example file, and use it to import. Or structure your current file in the same way. 

    1. Click ADD SQUARE.svg and choose the right file
    2. Click add, check if the import is correct
    3. Click import

    When the file is imported you will see all the contacts in the list. If there is an issue in the import you will see the broken contact, possible to edit or remove before final import.

    1. Paste your list of contacts in the input field. Use the format: "FirstName, LastName,, +46701234567, Company, Title" (all fields optional). Use a separate row for each contact
    2. Double check the details
    3. Click import

Share a contact group

    1. Toggle on ON.svg to share with all users within the organisation
    2. Click save/create
    1. ClickEXPAND DOWN.svg to expand the list of users
    2. Choose one or several users that you want to share the group with
    3. Click save/create
    1. ClickEXPAND DOWN.svg to expand the list of roles
    2. Choose one or multiple roles that you want to share the group with
    3. Click save/create
    1. ClickEXPAND DOWN.svg to expand the list of all teams
    2. Choose one or multiple teams you want to share the group with
    3. Click save/create

Remove a contact group

    1. Expand the group you wish to remove
    2. Click remove
    3. Confirm by clicking Yes

    Once removed, you wont be able to restore the group and its settings

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