
Jenny Mellåker
  • Updated

Enable Notifications

Click the settings gear icon, select personal settings, and expand the notifications list.

Sound and Devices

Here you can customize the notification sound settings.

  • The sound for receiving a chat message is enabled by default. To disable it, toggle it off.

    To select where to play the notification sound (default speaker is enabled), follow these steps:

    1. Click on "Select Speaker."
    2. Toggle off the default speaker.
    3. Choose a speaker from the list.
  • Notifications for incoming calls are enabled by default. To disable them, toggle it off.

    To select where to play the sound for incoming calls, follow these steps:
    1. Click on "Select Speaker."
    2. Toggle off the default speaker.
    3. Choose a speaker from the list.
    4. Click on "Select Ringtone."
    5. Toggle off "Use Default Ringtone" and choose your preferred ringtone.
  • Toggle on to enable notifications on your different devices.


You can customize your chat notifications, choose to receive them for all messages, or only when mention. You can also mute channels. 

  • This settings is for both direct chats and channels

    These settings only apply to unmuted channels

    You can choose between:
    • All new messages
    • Messages in direct, starred & mentions (A mention is @channel / @yourname)
    • Never
  • A reactions is when someone gives you a quick reactions with an emoji on a message, shared file etc. 

    These settings only apply to unmuted channels, and on messages written by you

    You can choose between:
    • All reactions
    • Reactions in direct and starred channels
    • Never
  • This is a list of all your muted channels. If you want to expand the list click on ... XX more

    To unmute a muted channel:

    1. Open the list
    2. Find the channel (You can type the name if the list is long)
    3. Click MUTED.svg to unmute
  • You can temporarily mute channels directly from the chat or channel

    When you are in the chat or channel you want to mute:

    1. Click on VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svg
    2. Click on MUTED.svg
    3. Select how long the channel should be muted. At the top bar, you can see when the channel will be unmuted.
  • This is a list of all your unmuted channels. If you want to expand the list click on ... XX more

    To mute a unmuted channel:

    1. Open the list
    2. Find the channel (You can type the name if the list is long)
    3. Click NOTIFICATION.svg to mute


You can choose to turn off notifications for missed calls & voicemails. Simply toggle off OFF.svg. If you wish to receive a notification on your mobile device for an incoming call, activate it here. 


You can choose to turn off notifications for new emails. Simply toggle off OFF.svg

Line state

This feature allow you to monitor other users line state and receive a notification when they become available.

    1. Click PHONE_RED.svg
    2. Click "Notify when call ends"
    3. When available, you'll receive a notification from which you can initiate a call
    1. You can either Click PHONE_RED.svg
    2. Followed by "Remove monitoring"
    3. Or click CROSS.svg on one the users you wish to stop monitoring. Found under Personal Settings - Notifications - Line State

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