My account

Jenny Mellåker
  • Updated

Access my account

To access your account in the personal settings, click SETTINGS GEAR.svgand expand the list.


Under your profile you can change you avatar, personal information, hide numbers and more.

Change your avatar and cover photo

  • You can choose your own avatar with either a local file, a file from Dropbox or to synchronise from Gravatar or your Office 365 account. To upload a photo from a local file: 

      1. Click on the EDIT PEN.svg
      2. Click on select image
      3. Click on Your device
      4. Choose a photo
      5. Choose the photo
      6. Zoom and adjust the photo if needed
      7. Click save
  • You can choose your own cover photo with either a local file or a file from Dropbox. To upload a cover photo from a local file: 

      1. Click on the EDIT PEN.svg
      2. Click on select image
      3. Click on Your device
      4. Choose a photo
      5. Choose the photo
      6. Click save

Personal information

Under personal information you can change your first name, last name and display name. The display name is the one visible to other users. 

To change any information type the new one and click save.  

Hide phone numbers from users within the organisation 

  • You can choose to hide a number from users within the organisation. 

    1. Click on the number you want to hide
    2. Toggle to hide ON.svg
    3. Click save

    If you hide both your mobile and fixed number all calls will be made via Mobile VoIP.

Additional information

The default information that is visible and can not be changed by a user. To add more infomation click Add info. 

Change password 

    1. Type your current password
    2. Type in your new (secure) password
    3. Click save

Sign out of all sessions

If you have lost your phone or logged in on a public computer and forgot to logout simply click on sign out and all current sessions will expire. 

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