Telephony & conference

Jenny Mellåker
  • Updated

Access Telephony & conference

To access Telephony & conference settings, click SETTINGS GEAR.svgand expand the list.

Mobile data

  • Click on mobile data to see your usage current calendar month.

    This is visible if you have subscriptions via Lynes

Set your voicemail

  • Text-to-speech is a smart feature that let you type a voicemail, choose language and use it as your voicemail. To set up a new one:

    1. Choose text-to-speech from the list
    2. Choose a voice from the list
    3. Type your message
    4. Press PLAY.svgto listen to it
    5. Click save
    1. Choose soundfile from the list
    2. Click on Select or create new sound file
    3. Click ADD SQUARE.svg
    4. Give it a titel. E.g. "My voicemail 2021"
    5. Give it a language tag
    6. Click on Record voice message
    7. Click on RADIO ON.svg to record
    8. Click on STOP.svg to stop
    9. Click on PLAY.svg to listen to it or CROSS.svg to remove and record a new one
    10. Click on Select to choose your recording 
    11. Click Create
    12. Click Save
  • By activating voicemail transcription, you confirm that it is OK for voicemails to be processed for transcription by a subcontractor of M8Com, and that this processing may take place outside of Sweden.

    1. Toggle on ON.svg to Transcribe Voicemail
  • If you wish to receive a notification for new vocicemails, do the following:

    1. Toggle on ON.svg App, to receive a notification in the app
    2. Toggle on ON.svg Email, to receive an email with a soundfile attatched. Per default sent to your account email, possible to add multiple internal/external adressess

Personal IVR

Default settings are available at the organizational level. A Personal IVR is usually used to achieve "Press 1 to reach the switchboard" for unanswered personal calls.

    1. Choose text-to-speech or audio file. Whether you choose text-to-speech or an audio file, the button selections must correspond to what you choose.
    2. Specify how many times the message should play before the call ends
    3. Specify how long the caller has to make their choice before the message plays again
  • Specify what should happen when a choice is made
    1. Voicemail - You can choose to toggle ON.svg the feature if you want a message to play before the call goes to your voicemail
    2. Redirect - You have the option to redirect the call to any number you want
    3. Play voice message - You can choose between using text-to-speech or your own audio file
  • Specify what should happen if the caller does not make an active choice
    1. Busy tone
    2. Voicemail - You can choose to toggle ON the feature if you want a message to play before the call goes to your voicemail
    3. Redirect - You have the option to forward the call to any number you want
    4. Play voice message and hang up - You can choose between using text-to-speech or your own audio file
    5. Save

No-Answer handling

You can easily set what should happen when you cannot answer a call. You can divert a call, send it to your voicemail, play a message, or play a busy tone.

Toggle off OFF.svg if you want to customize your handling for your numbers separate. Leave it on ON.svg if you would like the same actions for all numbers. 

  • To send a call to your voicemail:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Choose if you want to play a message before your voicemail
    3. Set a delay timer (seconds before call is sent to voicemail)
    4. Click save
  • To play a voicemessage and hangup:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Select text-to-speech (TTS) or soundfile
    3. Set a delay timer (seconds before action is triggered)
    4. Click save
  • To play a busy tone:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Set a delay timer (seconds before action is triggered)
    3. Click save
  • To redirect to number:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Choose a number from the list or enter one
    3. Set a delay timer (seconds before action is triggered)
    4. Click save

Call waiting & busy handling

Toggle off OFF.svg if you want to customize your handling for your numbers separate. Leave it on ON.svg if you would like the same actions for all numbers. 

  • Activate call waiting to let through new calls while being in another call.

    1. Toggle ON.svg to activate call waiting

    You must activate the call waiting feature on your mobile phone (in the phone settings) and with your mobile operator by dialing *43#.

  • To send a call to your voicemail:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Choose if you want to play a message before your voicemail
    3. Click save
  • To play a voicemessage and hangup:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Select text-to-speech (TTS) or soundfile
    3. Click save
  • To play a busy tone:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Click save
  • To redirect to number:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Choose a number from the list or enter one
    3. Click save

Decline action

You can easily set what should happen when you deny a call.

Toggle off OFF.svg if you want to customize your handling for your numbers separate. Leave it on ON.svg if you would like the same actions for all numbers. 

  • To send a call to your voicemail:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Choose if you want to play a message before your voicemail
    3. Click save
  • To play a voicemessage and hangup:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Select text-to-speech (TTS) or soundfile
    3. Click save
  • To play a busy tone:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Click save
  • To redirect to number:

    1. Choose it in the dropdown list
    2. Choose a number from the list or enter one
    3. Click save


  • You can choose to hide a number from users within the organisation. 

    1. Click on the number you want to hide
    2. Toggle to hide ON.svg
    3. Click save

    If you hide both your mobile and fixed number all calls will be made via Mobile VoIP.

  • You can turn off the mex function. If you do it all calls via that number will go outside the pbx.

    1. Click on your mobile number
    2. Toggle of OFF.svg mex
    3. Click save
    1. Click on the number
    2. Choose your new one from the list

    Your number display is controlled by the number you select here. Depending on settings, it can vary. See the examples below.

    • Display number as default is shown during outgoing calls, e.g., 08-123123
    • OFF.svg if you want to change your display number depending on whether it is an internal or external call, you can then choose which number to display for internal and external calls respectively.
    • If you have an activity status with a different display number, the system will overwrite the default setting and thus display the chosen number.
    • If you manually change your number display in the avatar menu, that setting will remain active until you change it yourself or an activity status changes it for you.
    1. Click on the country code
    2. Type the new one / search for a country and click it

Audio & video devices 

Learn more about Audio & video devices

Audio & video devices have a separate article, you can find it here

Sound files

From here you can upload and record sound files for your voice messages. 

    1. Click ADD SQUARE.svg
    2. Give it a titel. E.g. "My voicemail 2021"
    3. Give it a language tag
    4. Click on Record voice message
    5. Click on RADIO ON.svg to record
    6. Click on STOP.svg to stop
    7. Click on PLAY.svg to listen to it or CROSS.svg to remove and record a new one
    8. Click on Select to choose your recording 
    9. Click Create
    10. Click Save


You can choose to hide your avatar, cover photo and organisation name from users outside the organisation. That is, users from another organisation using the same service. 

    1. Toggle on ON.svg to activate privacy


  • Toggle on ON.svg to always use VoIP when calling from the app

  • Choose if you want to auto-hide buttons during calls (Desktop & mobile) Toggle on ON.svg / off OFF.svg

  • Activate callback to mobile number for handling of outbound calls.

    When callback is activated, no incoming calls will reach this device.

  • In rare cases you line state can get stuck as busy, even when you have hanged up the phone. Therefore it's possible to terminate all sessions.

      1. Press on the button Clear line state under the section Stuck Line State
      2. Confirm by clicking "Yes"

    Regardless if you or an administrator does this, all active sessions will be terminated. After you have cleared the line state you may need to log out/in to become active in answer groups.

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