Add a new member to a chat channel

Jenny Mellåker
  • Updated

Who can add new members i channels?

  • All users with the permission "Users and Teams"

The user needs to be a member of the team where the channel is located for you to be able to add them 


Add a new member to existing channel

    1. From the channel, click VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svg
    2. Click ADD PERSON.svg Add team member 
    3. Type the name or choose from the dropdown list 
    4. Click add
    1. From the channel, click VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svg
    2. Tap ADD PERSON.svg Add team member 
    3. Type the name or choose from the dropdown list 
    4. Tap add

Add a guest user to a channel

There is no cost for guest users, you can create as many as you like. A guest user can only access the channel(s) they are invited to and only use the direct chat with members from that channel.

    1. From the channel, click VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svg
    2. Click add guest
    3. Type the guests email address
    4. Click create
    1. From the channel, tap VERTICAL ELIPSIS.svg
    2. Tap add guest
    3. Type the guests email address
    4. Tap create

You can also create a invite link to a channel. Follow the steps above and choose "Create invite link instead?" to create it.

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