Metrics 101

Jenny Mellåker
  • Updated

In this article, you can learn more and understand how the different metrics work in the app. Here we explain the metrics you find under EYE.svg in the detail view as well as the overview and how the graph works.


Under each category, you can read how different calls are classified and what is counted under a type of call. E.g., bounced - forwarded.

    • Ready agents: An agent is considered as ready when they are 1) logged in to the answer group, and 2) available to receive calls in the group. The number of agents ready is displayed in relation to the number of agents ready + the number of busy agents (see below), for example 1 / 3.

      Busy agents: An agent is considered as busy when they are 1) logged in to the answer group, and 2) temporarily unavailable to receive calls.

      Being temporarily unavailable may be because the agent a) is in an ongoing call, b) is receiving a call attempt, c) is busy in wrap-up time, d) is temporarily busy in an activity status (with remaining duration of max 5 minutes).
    • Waiting calls: The number of waiting calls in the answer group, i.e., calls that have not yet been answered
    • Ongoing calls: The number of ongoing calls in the answer group
    • Waiting time - current: Current longest waiting time in the answer group. That is, if you have two calls waiting, the one with the longest waiting time (queue time) is counted. When that call is answered, the time changes to the call that was previously the second longest.
    • Service Level: Percentage value, answered calls within the set threshold (90 seconds standard) divided by the number of calls answered later than the set threshold. For example, 8 out of 10 calls answered within the set threshold equate to a service level of 80%.
    • Inbound - all: All of the group's incoming calls (also includes bounced calls)
    • Inbound - non-bounced: All of the group's incoming calls except for bounced calls.
      (See below for the definition of a bounced call)
    • Answered - all: All incoming calls that have been answered
    • Answered - in time: All incoming calls that have been answered within the set service level
    • Answered - late: All incoming calls that have been answered outside the set service level
    • Outgoing - calls: All outgoing calls
    • Bounced - all: All calls that have bounced, which means the call never rang out in the answer group. This can happen when someone calls outside your opening hours or the caller hangs up while a welcome message is being played
    • Bounced - redirected: Calls that have bounced and been forwarded (to another number or group)
    • Bounced - voicemail: Calls that have bounced and have been sent to a voicemail
    • Bounced - other: Other bounced calls (not forwarded & voicemail)
    • Missed - all: All of the group's missed, that is, unanswered, calls (excluding bounced calls)
    • Missed - early cancel: Missed calls where the caller hung up within the base value for your service level. That is, early hang-up, default value 10 seconds.
    • Missed - redirected: Missed calls that have been forwarded, for example via a maximum wait time setting.
    • Missed - voicemail: Missed calls that have gone to voicemail, for example via a maximum wait time setting.
    • Missed - other: Other missed calls (not forwarded & voicemail)
    • Waiting time, average - missed: The answer group's waiting time for missed calls, average (Total waiting time for missed calls / number of missed calls)
    • Waiting time, average - answered: The answer group's waiting time for answered calls, average (Total waiting time for answered calls / number of answered calls)
    • Waiting time, average - all: The answer group's waiting time, average (both missed and answered calls)
    • Waiting time, latest - missed: The time the last missed call waited before they hung up
    • Waiting time, latest - answered: The time the last answered call had to wait
    • Talk time, average: Total call time, average (All group's calls / number of answered calls)
    • Talk time, latest: Time for the latest call in the group
    • Followed up - all: All followed-up calls & SMS
    • Followed up - bounced: All followed-up bounced calls, which means that the call never got distributed to an agent in the group. This can occur when someone calls outside your opening hours or if the caller hangs up while a welcome message is being played.
    • Followed up - missed: All followed-up missed calls, calls that you didn't manage to answer.
    • Follow up - calls: All followed-up calls
    • Sent SMS: All followed-up via SMS
    • Redirected - all: All calls that have come into the group and been forwarded (Note, not calls that an agent forwards, but the group's rules forward the call to, for example, a fallback)
    • Voicemail - all: All calls that have ended up in a voicemail for the answer group


The graph in the app plots all of the answer group's calls during the day. Depending on the type of call, the dot is assigned a color. If you hover over a dot with your mouse, you will get more information. You can also click on a call type above the graph to exclude it.

  • Studsat.svg Bounced: Calls that have bounced, a bounced call can occur when someone calls you outside of the answer group's operating hours.

    Missat.svg Missed: Unbounced calls that were missed, in other words, remained unanswered.

    Röstbrevlåda.svg Voicemail: Calls that have ended up in a voicemail, can occur when the group is open and closed depending on the rules in the answering group.

    Vidarekopplat.svg Forwarded: Calls that have been forwarded to another answering group/number, can occur when the group is open and closed depending on the rules in the group.

    Uppföljt.svg Followed up: Beta function.

    Besvarat.svg Answered: Calls that have been answered in the group.

    Pågående.svg Ongoing: Ongoing calls in the group.

    Väntande.svg Waiting: Calls that are waiting in the queue.

  • If you compare the graph with the values in your metrics, they can sometimes differ. This is because a call in the graph can only have one color, whereas a call in the dashboard can be bounced - voicemail.

    This is how it works:

    • In the dashboard, a call can be bounced - voicemail. I.e. a incoming call to an answer group that have gone to a voicemail, according to the routing rules in that group.(could be due to queue time, lunch break or similar)
    • If you take the same call in the graph, it will be plotted as Röstbrevlåda.svg voicemail, since a call gets one color in the graph - which is the final destination.

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