Transfer call

Jenny Mellåker
  • Updated

Who can transfer a call?

  • All users can transfer a call

Type of transfer

  • A blind transfer is when you want to transfer a call immediately without waiting for a response from the person to whom the call is being transferred.

    This type of transfer is sometimes referred to as a "cold transfer," "blind transfer," "immediate transfer," "unsupervised transfer," or "unannounced transfer"

  • An attended transfer is when you want to speak with the person to whom the call is being transferred before actually connecting the original caller to this person.

    This type of transfer is sometimes referred to as a "warm transfer," "consulted transfer," "supervised transfer," or "announced transfer." It is generally regarded as more professional to perform an attended transfer.

How to blind transfer a call

  • When you are in a call:

    1. Click TRANSFER.svg
    2. Click blind TRANSFER.svg
    3. Select a user, number or answer group
    4. Click PHONE LYING.svg to where you want to transfer the call

    You will see if the user you want to transfer the call to is busy in a call or have an activity status.

  • When you are in a call:

    1. TapTRANSFER.svg
    2. Tap blind TRANSFER.svg
    3. Select a user, number or answer group
    4. Tap PHONE LYING.svg to where you want to transfer the call

    You will see if the user you want to transfer the call to is busy in a call or have an activity status.

How to transfer a call attended

  • When you are in a call:

    1. Click TRANSFER.svg
    2. Click attended TRANSFER ATTENDED.svg
    3. Select a user, number or answer group
    4. Click PHONE LYING.svg to where you want to transfer the call
    5. Your original call will now be parked
    6. Click transfer TRANSFER.svg to connect the two parties

    You will see if the user you want to transfer the call to is busy in a call or have an activity status.

  • When you are in a call:

    1. TapTRANSFER.svg
    2. Tap attended TRANSFER ATTENDED.svg
    3. Select a user, number or answer group
    4. Tap PHONE LYING.svg to where you want to transfer the call
    5. Your original call will now be parked
    6. Tap transfer TRANSFER.svg to connect the two parties

    You will see if the user you want to transfer the call to is busy in a call or have an activity status.

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